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Bard Graduate Center Bard Graduate Center

May Newsletter

It’s time for Spring Cleaning! To make sure you receive the information about Bard Graduate Center that most interests you, please update your email preferences here

In the gallery, Aaron Glass’s The Story Box: Franz Boas, George Hunt and the Making of Anthropology, Paul Stirton’s Jan Tschichold and the New Typography: Graphic Design Between the World Wars and Sasha Nixon’s A View from the Jeweler’s Bench: Ancient Treasures, Contemporary Statements continue to attract visitors. If you have not already seen these marvelous exhibitions, please stop by.

This month we report on faculty activities and honors, offer an interview with current research fellow, Megan E. O’Neil, and present the Object of the Month. Read on for more Bard Graduate Center news.
  Research and Academic Programs
Faculty News
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BGC faculty continue to publish articles and books and participate in conferences around the world. Read about their activities here.
Weinryb wins Guggenheim
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Ittai Weinryb, associate professor, has been awarded a 2019 Guggenheim Fellowship in the area of fine art research. Read more.
Research Fellow
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Megan E. O’Neil (Research Fellow, March–May 2019) talks about her Bard Graduate Center fellowship here.
Object of the Month
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Learn more about the “Forget-me-not ring” from the exhibition A View from the Jeweler’s Bench. Read more.
  Upcoming Events

Symposium—Antiquarianism in the Islamic World
May 9–10, 2019

The history of antiquarianism in Europe has been the subject of a burst of new work in the past decades, coinciding with the importance attached more generally to “materiality” and the study of material culture. But there has also been a completely new effort to explore this phenomenon, in its own terms, in other cultures. Comparative projects have been the focus of conferences at Bard Graduate Center and the Getty Research Institute, and each of these has resulted in a book of essays: Antiquarianism and Intellectual Life in Europe and China 1500-1800 (2012) and World Antiquarianism (2013). The goal of this conference is to examine the Islamic world in these same terms and with this same care. Register here.

Sponsored by the Trehan Research Fund for Islamic Art and Material Culture

Architecture and Design at the Bauhaus
May 14 at 6:30 pm

This conversation between Paul Stirton, curator of Jan Tschichold and the New Typography: Graphic Design Between the World Wars and Barry Bergdoll, Meyer Schapiro Professor of art history in the Department of Art History and Archaeology at Columbia University will critically examine the achievements of the Bauhaus, and explore its legacy in twentieth- and twenty-first century architecture and design. Register here.
  Spring Forward with BGC

Spring is often associated with nature’s reawakening, personal revitalization, and ecological restoration. Here at Bard Graduate Center, we embrace spring by launching our Focus Project exhibitions, a new season of public programming and public learning, and, at the end of May, we celebrate the commencement of the professional lives of our students who will receive their degrees. Please help us celebrate spring by becoming a member of the Center and Gallery. You can learn more about membership levels and benefits here.

In addition, as we look toward the end of the academic and fiscal year we hope you will consider making a year-end contribution before June 30 as part of your growing commitment to BGC. Your support insures that our students will thrive and that we can continue to present, through exhibition and public programming, important artists, scholars, and specialists in the decorative arts and material culture. Learn more about supporting BGC and make a donation donation here.

If you have any questions, please contact Patricia Ann Neely at 212.501.3058 or