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Research programming is a major component of intellectual life at Bard Graduate Center. Organized by our faculty, the seminars, lectures, and symposia scheduled throughout the semester broaden our curricular vision and help further the institution’s goal of promoting research in the areas of decorative arts, design history, and material culture—what we call the “cultural history of the material world.” Advance registration is strongly encouraged. Please click through for full descriptions and to register.

  Lectures and Seminars
September 25, 2019, 6 – 7:30 pm

BGCTV Logo BGCTV This event will be livestreamed. A link to the video will be posted to the event listing the day of the talk.

Thursday, October 17, 2019, 6 – 7:30 pm
Friday, October 18, 2019, 9 am – 6 pm

BGCTV Logo BGCTV This event will be livestreamed. A link to the video will be posted to the event listing the day of the talk.

  Around the Center
On view in the Gallery
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This exhibition represents an unprecedented examination of the dynamic relationship between fashion, war, and gender politics in France during World War I. Garments by Coco Chanel and Jeanne Lanvin, two of many French women leading fashion houses during World War I, will be displayed in the United States for the first time. Learn more and visit.
MacArthur x BGC
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To begin the task of understanding research, Bard Graduate Center has gathered a group of artists, scientists, and humanists—all MacArthur “Genius” Award winners—for three evenings of discussion. These conversations launch a project on research that will culminate in an exhibition at the Bard Graduate Center Gallery in fall 2023 Learn more and register.
Fall Open Houses
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Learn more about Bard Graduate Center’s MA and PhD programs at a fall open house. Read more.
A History of Counter-Fashion
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The Rational Dress Society Presents a History of Counter-Fashion is a performance lecture and fashion presentation that chronicles a history of revolutionary and counter-fashion from the late 1700s to present day. Read more.