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Material Culture and the Blockchain
A lecture by Charlotte Kent, with an introduction by Michael Assis

The blockchain idealizes decentralized and distributed knowledge, presenting ties to intersectional feminist theories and historical craft practices. Unfortunately, media attention around blockchain-based art reproduces certain biases in art discourse, focusing on North American and European production—predominantly male artists—and an economic rationality. In this talk, Charlotte Kent presents the problems and possibilities inherent in this emergent technology and suggests a material culture approach to the study of blockchain-based contemporary art. Bard Graduate Center (BGC) PhD candidate Michael Assis introduces Kent, explains how blockchain technologies have been utilized in artistic production, and places blockchain-based artistic practices in the greater history of art and material culture.

October 4 at 6 pm
38 West 86th Street, Lecture Hall

$15 General | $12 Seniors | Free for people with a college or university affiliation or museum ID, people with disabilities and caregivers, and BGC members

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