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Caroline Hunter
Educator and Activist

Join us for a lunchtime conversation with Caroline Hunter, who will recount a life in activism. Tracing a line from her work as a co-organizer of the Polaroid Revolutionary Workers Movement through to her recent efforts in education reform, Hunter models how activism can inform research and scholarship.

Caroline Hunter of New Orleans is a graduate of Xavier University of Louisiana with a Bachelor of Science in chemistry; holding Masters of Education from Antioch College and Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is a retired educator, serving 34 years in the Cambridge Public Schools District, whose career spanned from high school teacher to administrator. In the 1970s while working as a research scientist, Hunter co-founded the Polaroid Revolutionary Workers Movement and co-organized a grassroots boycott against Polaroid Corporation for its involvement in apartheid in South Africa. Caroline has been honored for her anti-apartheid work, including the National Education Association’s Rosa Parks Memorial Award. When not traveling for speaking engagements, Caroline likes to spend her time between Cambridge and Martha’s Vineyard.

Tuesday, April 11, 12:15 pm
38 West 86th Street, Lecture Hall

Lunch will be served starting at noon. Registration required.

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