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The Golem: How He Came into the World
A Lee B. Anderson Memorial Foundation film screening and talk by Maya Barzilai (University of Michigan).

Join us for a screening of this seminal German Expressionist film from 1920, which tells how an artificial clay monster, known as Golem, is formed and animated to protect the Jews of sixteenth-century Prague from expulsion. Following the film, scholar Maya Barzilai will help us explore the Gothic architecture of Hans Poelzig’s film and illuminate how the golem was molded into a cinematic object.

Lee B. Anderson, who worked for a time as an arts education teacher, has been referred to as the godfather of the Gothic revival in America. It is largely because of his impressive personal collection that the style has been rekindled among designers and other tastemakers. Lee passed away in 2010, but he left a legacy of philanthropic support through the Lee B. Anderson Memorial Foundation, whose mission is to support programs and organizations that advance an appreciation for the decorative arts.

April 17 at 6 pm
38 West 86th Street, BGC Lecture Hall

$15 General | $12 Seniors | Free for people with a college or university affiliation or museum ID, people with disabilities and caregivers, and BGC members.

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