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Eighteenth-Century Fashion and the Decisive Museological Action of French Historicizing Painters
A Françoise and Georges Selz Lecture on Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century French Decorative Arts and Culture by Pascale Gorguet Ballesteros (Sorbonne Université).

On January 10, 1907, the Société de l’Histoire du Costume was founded in Paris to create a “Musée du Costume.” Sixteen of the founders were painters, and most of them were artists who historicized the eighteenth century. In this lecture, curator and scholar Pascale Gorguet Ballesteros considers the influence of artists such as Maurice Leloir (1853–1940), Gustave Jean Jacquet (1846–1909), and François Flameng (1856–1923) in the formation of the eighteenth-century fashion collection of the Palais Galliera and the construction of its image.

April 3 at 6 pm
38 West 86th Street, BGC Lecture Hall

$15 General | $12 Seniors | Free for people with a college or university affiliation or museum ID, people with disabilities and caregivers, and BGC members.

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