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Tony Chavarria
“Pueblo Pottery: To Infinity Yet Grounded in Clay”

Grounded in Clay, currently on view at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, is a paradigm shifting exhibition where classic museum authority is reshaped into a fresh and authentic perspective on the lives of Pueblo People. As a member of the Pueblo Pottery Collective, the curatorial body behind the exhibition, Chavarria details his experience in helping create a new way of looking at art and of activating it in research and museums.

Tony Chavarria (Santa Clara Pueblo) has over 30 years of experience collaborating with tribes and curating Native material culture. As curator of ethnology at the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture in Santa Fe, he has curated many exhibitions of historic and contemporary Native Art. Tony served as the Community Liaison and co-curator for the inaugural Pueblo exhibition at NMAI and was co-curator for the first Native culture exhibition at Epcot Center. He continues to consult with many museums on matters of Native culture and remains an occasional potter.

Monday, October 9, 12:15 pm
38 West 86th Street, Lecture Hall

Refreshments will be served starting at noon. Registration required.

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