Expanding the Narrative: Researching Black Fashion Designers
October 6 at 12:15 pm
The prevailing narrative of American fashion prioritizes sportswear and casual clothing, access and affordability—glorifying brands rather than creative individuals. While some major names in the industry are well known, many designers worked on Seventh Avenue, but ‘behind the label,’ or pioneered their own enterprises. Recent scholarship is starting to bring their work and careers to light. Nancy B. Deihl’s presentation focuses on the research methods and materials—and the ultimate discoveries—behind two book chapters on two unsung Black fashion designers: Zelda Wynn Valdes and Wesley Tann.
Art Hx: Digital Archiving and Forms of Care
October 7 at 12:15 pm
Anna Arabindan-Kesson’s talk focuses on the ways digital tools can be used to create alternative spaces of archival organization, exploration, and interpretation. It centers on the project Art Hx: Visual and Medical Legacies of British Colonialism, and the tensions and opportunities it raises for reimagining practices of interpretation and care in our engagement with colonial objects, archives, and histories.
Seneca Village Professional Development Workshop for Educators
October 9 at 1 pm
Seneca Village Site, Central Park West, New York 10024
We invite you to attend a professional development workshop on Seneca Village, the predominantly African American community that the city displaced in 1857 during the construction of Central Park. Educators of all disciplines and grades are welcome! See place-based learning in practice with a historian-led walking tour of Central Park’s Seneca Village site and take away a clearer understanding of what life was like for those that called it home.
Next Week:
Islamic Palaces in a Christian Land? The Royal Park Residences and Pavilions in the Twelfth-Century Norman Kingdom of Sicily
October 12 at 12:15 pm
From their capital Palermo, the Norman rulers controlled a vast kingdom in the mid-twelfth century that stretched across southern Italy, the island of Sicily, and coastal Tunisia, with a diverse population of Muslims, Christians, and Jews. In the scholarly literature, they are renowned for their ecclesiastical building and programmatic mosaic cycles based on Byzantine models. Dana Katz’s talk will consider another corpus of buildings, the palaces and pavilions located in the royal parklands just outside Palermo.
Visiting INUA: Curating the Inaugural Exhibition of the New Inuit Art Centre, Qaumajuq
October 13 at 12:15 pm
In this seminar, Inuk scholar and curator Dr. Heather Igloliorte will discuss the processes, motivations, insights, and Indigenous epistemologies and ontologies that informed the creation and installation of the first exhibition of the new international Inuit Art Centre, Qaumajuq, which opened at the Winnipeg Art Gallery in March of 2021.
Edgar Allan Poe on the Furniture of the Universe
October 14 at 12:15 pm
This talk draws on John Tresch’s recent book, The Reason for the Darkness of the Night: Edgar Allan Poe and the Forging of American Science. It reflects on Poe’s approach to material culture of various kinds, from technologies of print, experiment, and display, to the objects of interior design. Poe’s sensibility was shaped by the explosive rise of mechanical industry and popular culture as well as the unsettled state of science in antebellum America. His attention to the spiritual effects of material compositions resonates with the slippery materialism of his natural philosophy.
Virtual Open House for Prospective Students
October 14 at 7:30 pm
Bard Graduate Center Open Houses give prospective students the opportunity to learn much more about our MA and PhD programs. At this remote event, you’ll have the chance to hear from our faculty about their research and teaching, meet students, and see our spaces. The October open house will be hosted by our chair of academic programs, Prof. Deborah Krohn, and will include faculty members Jeffrey Collins, Ivan Gaskell, and Freyja Hartzell.