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The study of skilled making holds that the knowledge involved in craft processes is just as important for understanding the historical contexts of artifacts as the diverse interactions underpinning their exchange, display and use. This year’s New Antiquity meeting at the Bard Graduate Center and Columbia University will concentrate on the material and textual legacies of ancient craft to bring out the interrelated ways of making and knowing that sustained the art traditions of the Greek and Roman worlds as generative forms of cultural production.

Friday, April 14, 9 am–1 pm
Bard Graduate Center, 38 West 86th Street, Lecture Hall

Saturday, April 15, 9 am–5:30 pm
Columbia University, Schermerhorn Hall 807

The meeting is co-organized and co-sponsored by the Department of Art History and Archaeology at Columbia University.

This event is open to the BGC and Columbia communities and invited guests.

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Friday, April 14
Bard Graduate Center, 38 West 86th Street, Lecture Hall

9–9:20 am
Tea & Coffee

9:3010:30 am
Jennifer Stager (Johns Hopkins)
Craftspeople, Collectivity, and the Healing Arts in the Ancient Mediterranean 

10:30–11:30 am
Nikolaus Dietrich (Heidelberg)
Signatures in Attic Vase-Painting: Negotiating the Place of the Banausos in Society and on the Vase

11:30 am–12 pm
Tea & Coffee 

12–1 pm
Seth Estrin (Chicago)
“Amasis made me”: Black-figure Pottery and the Making of Gender Difference 

Saturday, April 15
Columbia University, Schermerhorn Hall 807

9:30–10 am
Tea & Coffee

1011 am
John Hopkins (NYU)
Sacro-Creative Action and the Making of Gods in and beyond Rome

11 am12 pm
Annetta Alexandridis (Cornell)

Glass Making and Fish Processing: Shared Industries?

12–1:30 pm
Lunch Break

1:30–2:30 pm
Ruth Bielfeldt (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich)
On the Making of Light and Shadow

2:30–3:30 pm
Jaś Elsner (Corpus Christi, Oxford)
Making, Replication, and Quality in Late Antique Art 

3:30–4 pm
Tea & Coffee

4–5 pm
Milette Gaifman (Yale)
The Academic Illustration and the Scholar’s Craft

5–5:30 pm
General Discussion