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Namita Gupta Wiggers
BGC Paul J. Smith Fields of the Future Fellow

The Line Between Research and “Me-Search”: What Happens When You Are Positioned in the Middle of Your Project?

In this talk, BGC fellow Namita Gupta Wiggers shares her current research project— the history craft museums in the US between 2000-2020—and considers her own positionality in this research, as both a curator and scholar. Following a brief introduction on this project in progress, Wiggers will workshop questions and approaches to the ethical challenges of positionality in research.

For information on her project, and to track the impact of this conversation as it continues, visit:

Namita Gupta Wiggers is an educator, writer, curator, and artist. Wiggers writes about craft and the craftscape, connecting people, place, institutions, and objects through cultural flow. Her current research project, Making Craft Histories: Exhibitions in US Craft Museums, 2000–2020, will be the first study of the cultural impact of curatorial practice in this type of institution. Wiggers founded, directed, and taught in the MA in Critical Craft Studies, Warren Wilson College, the first low-residency graduate program focused on craft history and theory (2017-23). She co-founded and directs Critical Craft Forum, a platform for dialogue and exchange that includes an active Facebook group and hosted annual sessions at College Art Association (2009–19). Wiggers served as the curator (2004–12) and later the director and chief curator (2012–14) at the Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland, OR. She held the inaugural positions of curator-in-residence, Norwegian Crafts, and writer-in-residence, Center for Art Research, University of Oregon, and she served on the first Creative Time Think Tank. Wiggers lectures and leads workshops across the US and abroad and contributes regularly to online and print publications. She currently serves on the editorial advisory boards of CRAFTS and the Journal of Modern Craft. Recent projects include: co-editing This is not a Retreat in The MACR Papers with Ben Lignel; and co-editing a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Modern Craft with Tom Martin. Wiggers serves on the board of trustees of Haystack Mountain School of Crafts and will be a senior fellow at the Smithsonian Institution in spring 2024.

Tuesday, October 10, 12:15 pm
38 West 86th Street, Lecture Hall

Lunch will be served starting at noon. Registration required.

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