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Zun Lee

The Algorithm’s Gaze: Where is the “Art” in Artificial Intelligence?

While not new, AI applications have recently exploded into the public’s consciousness. The speed at which A(G)I technologies permeate every facet of human life and sociality is relentless and continues to accelerate. How do artists deal with the many challenges and opportunities AI poses, when ethical, legal, social justice, and equity frameworks cannot keep pace with its adoption? What is the role of art and creativity in a world where “reality” and “truth” are becoming increasingly unstable constructs? What do artistic autonomy and agency mean in light of increased surveillance and digital oppression, especially for communities at the margins? What is the way forward for art pedagogy inside and outside of the institution? Lee will lead an exploration into how AI can be incorporated into a creative research practice—for students, teachers, and practitioners.

Zun Lee is a visual artist, physician, and educator who was born and raised in Germany and currently divides his time between Canada and the US. Through documentary photography and archival and social practice, he investigates quotidian Black social life as a resistive strategy to cultural erasure and appropriation. Lee has a particular interest in Black family spaces as sites of intimacy and belonging. He is a 2020 Guggenheim Fellow and has exhibited and spoken at numerous institutions in North America and Europe. His works are widely published and represented in public and private collections around the world.

Tuesday, March 14, 12:15 pm
38 West 86th Street, Lecture Hall

Lunch will be served starting at noon. Registration required.

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