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Hannah Duggan
Cultural Heritage Science Fellow, Bard Graduate Center

Sylvester Manor is a Georgian-era plantation home on Shelter Island, New York, built in 1651 by Dutch merchant Nathaniel Sylvester, the first European inhabitant of the island. The manor is now a museum with a collection that includes silver, paintings, furniture, wallpaper, ceramics, documents, and architectural elements that range from the seventeenth century to the present day. Join BGC Cultural Heritage Science Fellow Hannah Dugan as she explores how material analysis of these objects at Sylvester Manor might inform humanities scholars about the past. 

Hannah Duggan’s research specializes in the study of cultural heritage objects using various analytical methods with a particular focus on previous conservation methods and the lasting implications of the materials used. Hannah is a Conservation Scientist at Scientific Analysis of Fine Art (SAFA). Her work at SAFA includes using microscopy and spectroscopic methods to investigate mechanisms of degradation in fine art objects. She completed her undergraduate studies in chemical engineering and art history at Tufts University and received her master’s degree in science and engineering in arts, heritage, and archeology from the University College London (UCL), Institute of Sustainable Heritage.).

Tuesday, September 20, 12:15 pm
38 West 86th Street, Lecture Hall

Lunch will be provided. Registration required.

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