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A lecture by Heidi Boisvert (University of Florida), followed by a conversation with Freyja Hartzell (BGC)

Artist, creative technologist, and scholar Heidi Boisvert asks “what do our bodies know, and what can we know if we assume another body—even a doll’s body?” Reflecting on her creative works, including her recent collaboration with David Byrne on Theater of the Mind (in which patrons assume the perspective of a Byrne-like doll using 4D virtual reality experience with smells and haptics), Boisvert considers the combined power of bodies and interactive technologies: to heal, to foster understanding, and to spark social change.

Wednesday, December 7, 6 pm
38 West 86th Street, Lecture Hall

$15 General Admission | $12 Seniors
Free for people with a college or museum ID, people with disabilities and caregivers, and BGC members

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