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For Majolica Mania: Transatlantic Pottery in England and the United States 1850–1915, Bard Graduate Center commissioned ceramic artist Walter McConnell to create a sculpture that acknowledged the dark side of the industry. Working conditions in the potteries where majolica was produced were hazardous, and the use of lead-based glazes to decorate these wares caused widespread poisoning and even death. McConnell’s A Requiem in White commemorates those whose lives were damaged or lost, depicting five pottery workers within a dense assemblage in the shape of a traditional Buddhist stupa.

Watch the assembly process by Walter McConnell, and purchase tickets to see the sculpture in person before the exhibition leaves BGC on January 2, 2022.

More Majolica!
3D Models
Get as close as you can to handling pieces from Majolica Mania with our new 3D models! Bard Graduate Center commissioned Sasha Arden, the Rachel and Jonathan Wilf and Andrew W. Mellon Fellow in Time-Based Media Conservation at the Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, to create 3D models of 12 majolica objects featured in the exhibition using a process called photogrammetry. Learn More Button
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Audio Guide
Learn why the 15 objects in this audio guide look the way they do and how they might have been used in the Victorian home. Your audio docent, Nicholas de Godoy Lopes, is a Bard Graduate Center PhD student who selected the objects especially for this guide. Learn More Button
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