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Charlotte Kent
Montclair State University

Tracing Provenance, Copyright and Environmental Practices with Blockchain

The blockchain is more than just a technological fad—it is a digital ledger that can track physical objects through fragmented supply chains, provide provenance records to combat fashion counterfeiting, and ensure responsible sourcing of gemstones. In this talk, Charlotte Kent will explore these and other applications of the blockchain, including the recently founded Art and Antiques Blockchain Consortium, which provides a governance structure for co-ownership and management of cultural heritage items, offering a feminist ethos that reinforces the decentralized and distributed attributes of blockchain.

Charlotte Kent, PhD is Associate Professor of Visual Culture at Montclair State University and an arts writer, with research that contextualizes contemporary art, digital culture, and the absurd while addressing the theoretical implications of their current productions. Contributing to numerous arts and culture magazines and academic journals, she is also an Editor at Large for The Brooklyn Rail, and co-editor with Katherine Guinness of Contemporary Absurdities, Existential Crises, and Visual Art (forthcoming, Intellect Books). She is a graduate of the CUNY Graduate Center, St. John’s College, Phillips Academy Andover, and the Writer’s Institute.

Tuesday, October 3, 12:15 pm
38 West 86th Street, Lecture Hall

Lunch will be served starting at noon. Registration required.

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