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Janet Catherine Berlo
University of Rochester

In this informal lunch-time conversation Janet Berlo will explore issues that emerging scholars in art history and visual culture should consider as they seek to publish their first book. Berlo will use her recent experiences working with a university press on the publication of her last book as a case study.

Janet Catherine Berlo, professor of art history and visual and cultural studies emerita at the University of Rochester, holds a PhD in the history of art from Yale University. She is the author of many publications on the Indigenous arts of the Americas, including the most widely-used textbook in the field (Native North American Art, with Ruth B. Phillips. Second edition. Oxford, second edition 2015). Berlo has also written on American art history and quilt history. Her forthcoming book, Not Native American Art: Fakes, Replicas, and Invented Traditions will be published by the University of Washington Press in July 2023.

Tuesday, May 2, 12:15 pm
38 West 86th Street, Lecture Hall

Lunch will be served starting at noon. Registration required.

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