Peer to Peer Workshop led by Sophie Swanson
What is Material Culture for Teens
Thursday, May 2, 2019
10 am–1 pm
38 West 86th Street, Room TBA
Come join us for a morning of games, brainstorming, and discussion around teaching material culture to teens! We’ll unpack best practices for working with young adults and think about creative ways to translate and apply what we do at the BGC to connect with young people. The workshop will consist of three modules: object games, What is Material Culture? (for teens), and guiding group discussions. All first year MA students are welcome. Whether you plan on a career in academia, curatorial, or research, knowing how to make your work relevant to younger audiences is an important and necessary skill in increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field.
Advance registration is required by April 19, 2019.
Limited number of seats available.
This workshop is open to first year MA students.
To register, email: