Dear Members,
Enjoy new online programs at BGC this month! Join a webinar to learn about majolica featured in BGC’s upcoming Majolica Mania exhibition that was manufactured in nearby Trenton, New Jersey; take a virtual tour of BGC’s wildly popular exhibition from 2018, French Fashion, Women, and the First World War; and explore new discoveries about ancient Greek potters and painters!
Dr. Laura Microulis, research curator at Bard Graduate Center, explores the pivotal role that Trenton, New Jersey’s potteries played in the international craze for majolica during the second half of the nineteenth century. Register here for this live event.
Back by popular demand! French Fashion, Women and the First World War,gets new life with virtual tours. Join our gallery educators and delve into the dynamic relationship between fashion, war, and gender politics in France during World War I. Several tours are available this month.
The act of conservation not only reveals the secrets hidden in objects, it can also give us glimpses into the lives of the artists who created them. Sanchita Balachandran, recipient of the 2021 Iris Foundation Award for Outstanding Mid-Career Scholar, gives a fascinating talk that connects the physical traces embedded in ancient objects with the artisans who manufactured them. This Iris Awards Lecture, a part of our larger Iris Awards celebration, takes place on April 27th at 6 pm. Register here for the lecture. Go to for more information about the Iris Awards.
We are extending membership for all members until the BGC Gallery reopens in September. Renew your membership before September 2021 and receive a 20% discount on your annual membership which will continue until September 2022. As always, members save 10% on books and purchases in our store with the code MEMBR.