You’re invited!
After two years of study and collaboration, the Class of 2020’s time together ended all too abruptly, under circumstances unimaginable. 100 days after the QP symposium, and a long and trying summer, it’s time to press pause and catch up.
On Tuesday, September 22nd, we hope you’ll join us for a virtual “100 Days” happy hour event hosted by class representative Alice Winkler, Prof. Deborah Krohn, and Keith Condon. This will be a space to share personal updates, hear about your cohort’s last few months, and get the latest on what’s happening at BGC.
Hope to see you there!
Class of 2020 “100 Days” Happy Hour Event
Tuesday, September 22 at 5:30 pm EST
RSVP to madeline.warner@bgc.bard.edu by Friday, September 18th.
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