Monday, April 1
Internship Funding Applications (First Round) Due
Email applications to
Qualifying Papers Due by 5 pm
Special Object Lab – Balenciaga Couture
Lecture Hall, 38 W. 86th St. | 10–11:30 am
QP Turn In Celebration
6th Floor, 38 W. 86th St. | 3:30–5 pm
Concentration Information Session
Lecture Hall, 38 W. 86th St. | 4:30–5 pm
For MA 1 only
Tuesday, April 2
GCM Petitions Due
Email petitions to
Tuesday Lunch with Pascale Gorguet Ballesteros
Lecture Hall, 38 W. 86th St. | 12:15–1:15 pm
Register here
Sovereignties of the Imagination: Worlding from the Ethnographic Museum
Lecture Hall, 38 W. 86th St. | 6–7:30 pm
Register here
Wednesday, April 3
WordPress Refresh Workshop
Digital Media Lab, 38 W. 86th St. | 12:15–1:15 pm
Eighteenth-Century Fashion and the Decisive Museological Action of French Historicizing Painters
Lecture Hall, 38 W. 86th St. | 6–7:30 pm
Register here
Thursday, April 4
Describing Interactions with Objects Workshop
5th Floor Classroom, 38 W. 86th St. | 12:15–1:15 pm
Friday, April 5
Work in Progress with Jeffrey Collins
Lecture Hall, 38 W. 86th St. | 12:15–1:15 pm
Register here