Tuesday, February 11
QP Forum
Mandatory for those submitting QP’s in April
Seminar Room, 12:15–1:15 pm
GCM Petitions Due
Submit to: gcm@bgc.bard.edu
5 pm
Wednesday, February 12
Herbarium, Garden, Plantation
Zeynep Çelik Alexander
Columbia University
Seminar Room, 12:15–1:15 pm
RSVP: alec.newell@bgc.bard.edu
Jewish Material Culture: Texts and Textiles: The Cultural Meaning of Clothing and Ornaments in the Geniza Society, Lecture 2
Miriam Frenkel
The Hebrew University; Bard Graduate Center
Lecture Hall, 6–7:30 pm
Register here
Thursday, February 13
QP Workshop: Chicago Style and Bibliographies
Penthouse North, 12:15–1:15 pm
RSVP: alec.newell@bgc.bard.edu