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Each fall, Bard Graduate Center hosts a number of open houses for prospective students. These events are led by members of our faculty, who talk in depth about their research interests and teaching. Because not everyone can make it to New York City, the “Meet the BGC” series gives you a sense of our community by seeing and hearing faculty talk about their own backgrounds and work. This will help give a fuller picture of the institution through the voices of those who you will be working with.

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“Given my background in both history and in art history, my art history is very influenced by the cultural and social history that I had studied previously. It has always informed my work. So I wanted to teach at a place where I can bring together art history, history, a little bit of anthropology perhaps, and to be able to teach my enthusiasms.”

Andrew Morrall is Professor and Chair of Academic Programs

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“I was very much interested in a place where I could think about craft and making, and utilitarian design in an intellectual way. And bring together a kind of interest in theory and methodology, and also a really hands on sense of making.”

Freyja Hartzell is assistant professor and teaches courses on European design, architecture, and art of the nineteenth and twentieth Centuries.

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“I consider myself a cultural historian who specializes in the study of material culture, the relationship between objects and people, and objects as historical evidence.”

Catherine Whalen, Associate Professor, teaches courses on the history of collecting, craft and design, and American material culture