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Dear Prospective Student,

Our Open Houses give a sense of what makes Bard Graduate Center unique. Each event features members of our faculty who bring objects to discuss their teaching and research. The events are conversational, and you’ll have the chance to ask questions—about the presentations, about the program at large, and about the admissions process. You’ll also have the chance to see our spaces as we offer tours both of our academic buildings and our current gallery show, Threads of Power: Lace from the Textilmuseum St. Gallen. These events last around an hour or so, and light breakfast is provided.

On Sunday, October 23, we’d like to invite you to join our dean Peter Miller, along with faculty members Jeffrey Collins, François Louis, and Jennifer Mass to learn more about opportunities at BGC! You can register here.

We will have another in-person Open House on Sunday, November 13, and a virtual one on Zoom on Sunday, December 4.

Best wishes,Keith Condon
Director of Admissions and Student Affairs